Thursday, March 23, 2006

Ah, Good Times

So my friend Ed berated me last night for not updating this blog enough; mainly because i think he is curious as to the machinations of the mighty Anonymous Surrey Based Game Developer.

Times are, shall we say, tense. Most of my best friends have been made redundant - Jim and Tom to name but two. Jim still has work to do so has to come in, Tom doesn't, so isn't coming in anymore. He got made redundant while i was away too, so i didn't even get to say goodbye. *sob*

The mood is weird at the moment - people are basically fading into the background and quietly disappearing. Every half an hour it seems, there is another email from somebody announcing they are leaving. It's somewhat destructive for morale, to say the least.

I had my one and only interview last night and alledgedly we (coders) shall find out today our fates. it's difficult to be optimistic or even care that much, especially when i know that even if i keep my job some of my mates won't. And even then i won't have anything to do straight off, probably for at least another month at least.

Still, i'm going snowboarding next week, so it's not all bad.


Blogger PimpernelP said...

Tis v. sad Johannes.

Hopefully La Tete de Lion will rise again with this new title.

When you tell us what it is...

9:17 PM  

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